Mono Makes Art: Theater with Deja for 9th-12th Grades
Theater basics, theater games, movies, plays and musicals with a Winter themed spin!

Time & Location
18 dic 2020, 16:00 – 17:00
Virtual Class
About the Event
Theater basics, and so much more!
Participants will be introduced to the basics of theater, play theater games, and explore winter themed movies, plays, and/or musicals.
Monday 12/14, grades K-5 Wednesday 12/16, grades 6-8 Friday 12/18, grades 9-12
Sign up by 12/2 to receive supplies.
All classes are from 4-5pm! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ¡Lo Básico del Teatro y Mucho Más!
Los participantes serán introducidos a los conceptos básicos del teatro, jugarán juegos de teatro y explorarán películas, obras de teatro y / o musicales con temas de invierno.
Lunes 14/12, grados K-5 Miércoles 16/12, grados 6-8 Viernes 18/12, grados 9-12
Regístrese antes del 12/2 para recibir suministros.
Todas las clases, 4-5pm.
Brought to you in part by MeasureU and California Arts Council.
Friday 12/18
Grades K-5
0,00 US$Venta finalizada
0,00 US$