Why do you love the arts?
For me, art is a way to get away from life. To calm down and help me deal with my depression and anxiety. So I guess I like art because I can escape. I draw in my journal a lot, I hike up the mountain behind where I live to a really cool tree that has a little cave in the side. I sit in the cave and draw.
What is a favorite piece of art you have created or a favorite time in performing arts?
I don’t know. Hmm. I did a painting of “Patrick” [cartoon character] a while ago. At first,
I was kind of nervous because it was hard. But I did it and I really like it.
What would you say to a friend to get them interested in the arts?
I would encourage them to use it to escape or to calm down.
Why are the arts so important right now? Don’t know. I just like to do it.